“Platto Series”  Privacy Policy



Technoa Inc. (the “Company”) hereby establishes the following privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy”) regarding the handling of personal information (means the information prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the “PIPA”)) of users the Company obtains in connection with the use of the “Platto Series,” which is a platform operated by the Company (the “Platform”) and the services provided by the Company within the Platform (including the “Platto-Monodukuri”) (the “Services”), and the Company will endeavor to protect the personal information it obtains.


  1. Acquisition and purpose of use of personal information

(1)          Items of personal information the Company obtains and the acquisition method thereof

(i)  User names, email addresses, telephone numbers, icon images (photos, etc.), places of employment, and other user profile information
Acquisition method:  provided by users at the time of their user registration

(ii)  Usage history of the Services
Acquisition method:  the Company records the status of use of the Services by users

(2)          Purpose and scope of use

(i)  Statistical analysis, trend analysis, and marketing analysis of the status of the use of the Services by users;

(ii)  Stimulating the use of the Services and other quality improvements for the Services based on the results of the status usage analyses;

(iii) Utilization in the development of new products and services of the Company;

(iv) Providing answers to user inquiries and other support services to users;

(v)  Providing information and marketing materials (advertisements, pilot user recruitment information, requests for promotional cooperation, and the like) from the Company or the joint users of personal information listed below to users of the Services;

(vi) Use for personnel development services and personal history management services provided within the Platform (the project participation status of each individual, personal evaluations of responses during transactions, training evaluations, etc.);

(vii) Use for billing management of usage fees; and

(viii) Other operations incidental to the above and operations necessary for the appropriate and smooth execution of transactions with users and business operations of the Company.


  1. Joint use

(1)          Items of personal information to be jointly used

- User names, email addresses, and other contact information

(2)          Scope of joint users

- I-OTA Limited Liability Company
- Companies that enter into business alliances with the Company in relation to the Platform or the Services

(3)          Purpose of joint use

    - Providing information and marketing materials (advertisements, pilot user recruitment information, and the like) from the Company or the joint users of personal information to users of the Services

(4)          Entity responsible for the management of personal information to be jointly used

    - The Company


  1. Method of notice and announcement, method of obtaining consent, and method of user involvement (deletion and/or correction of personal information)

(1)          Method of notice and announcement

The Company will provide notices and announcements regarding this Privacy Policy by means of the contact function within the Platform, by email, by other individual notification method, or by posting on the website of the Services.

(2)          Method of obtaining consent

The Company will obtain consent concerning this Privacy Policy by means of obtaining such consent at the time of user registration for the Services or by other means.

(3)          Method of user involvement (deletion and/or correction of personal information)

Users may suspend the collection of their personal information by the Company by suspending their use of the Services. The Company may continue to use the personal information it has already obtained as of the time of such suspension within the scope of purposes of use set forth in Article 1.


  1. Outline of security control measures

(1)          Organizational security control measures

The Company will establish control systems such as internal organizations and regulations to ensure that personal information is handled properly, ascertain and confirm the status of the handling of personal information, and endeavor to continuously review and improve such security control measures.

(2)          Human security control measures

The Company will provide thorough education and training on the handling of personal information, including periodic training sessions, to its employees.

(3)          Physical security control measures

The Company will appropriately control the areas managing the information systems that handle personal information, and the Company will take measures to prevent the theft or loss of equipment and electronic media containing personal information. When disposing of such equipment and electronic media, etc., the Company will do so by means whereby the personal information contained cannot be restored.

(4)          Technical security control measures

The Company will establish a system to appropriately control and manage access rights to personal information and to prevent any external unauthorized access thereto, and the Company will endeavor to continuously review and improve the security of its information systems.


  1. Deletion of personal information

The Company may delete the personal information of a user if such user does not use the Services for a period of one year. The user shall agree in advance to such deletion.


  1. Inquiry desk

Please contact the following inquiry desk if you have any opinions, questions, or complaints regarding the Services or the security control measures, or any other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

Inquiry desk
Technoa Inc.
To: Platform Business Department


  1. Revisions to this Privacy Policy

The Company may revise this Privacy Policy at its own discretion. However, if any additional consent of users is required by laws and regulations, etc., the Company will make such revision after implementing the legally appropriate measures. When revising this Privacy Policy, the Company will notify the users or make a public announcement thereof by means of the contact function within the Platform, email, or any other method the Company deems appropriate.


  1. Application of the Company’s Privacy Policy

For matters not provided for in this Privacy Policy, the privacy policy of Technoa Inc. (https://www.technoa.co.jp/privacy; “the Company’s Privacy Policy”) will apply, and if there is any inconsistency or discrepancy between the content of the Company’s Privacy Policy and that of this Privacy Policy, the content of this Privacy Policy shall prevail.